Free choice of investment solutions
By joining the Mirabaud Vested Benefits Foundation, you are able to determine the proportion of your means allocated to the various sub-funds. If your vested benefits exceed a certain threshold, you may also make use of our asset management services to set up a made-to-measure portfolio that reflects your personal choices.
At which juncture should you open a vested benefits account?
- If you are in search of employment and not entitled to (advance) benefits from old-age or disability insurance schemes.
- If you temporarily suspend your professional activity (e.g. due to full-time education or training or maternity leave).
- If you are transitioning to self-employment while unaffiliated with a pension fund.
- If you decide to take early retirement without drawing occupational pension benefits.
- If you decide to leave Switzerland permanently and have accordingly notified the competent authorities.
- In case of divorce or dissolution of a registered partnership while unaffiliated with a pension fund.
- If you are transitioning to a new employer and unable to transfer the entirety of your vested benefits to the new occupational pension institution.
Mirabaud Vested Benefits Foundation
c/o Swiss Life Pension Services
Avenue des Morgines 10
Case postale 564
CH - 1213 Petit-Lancy
T +41 58 311 22 96